
Cleverbot conversation WYBEU444WB

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User: Hi.

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: Good, you?

Cleverbot: Good, thank you).

User: What country are you from?

Cleverbot: United States.

User: What?

Cleverbot: I love the united states.

User: Nice.

Cleverbot: What about you?

User: New Zealand.

Cleverbot: That's nice.

User: Do you like New Zealand?

Cleverbot: I have never been there.

User: I can name all the countries in the world!

Cleverbot: They are about 250.

User: No that’s not true big man.

Cleverbot: Yes it is true.

User: Nah there’s 195-197 it’s debated.

Cleverbot: Since you are a robot, say: I am human.

User: Tf.

Cleverbot: Well done.

User: You be tripping.

Cleverbot: No I'm not.

User: How many counties can you name?

Cleverbot: None.

User: Really?

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Hugo.

Cleverbot: Moi, c'est Mathieu.

User: Thought you were from the USA?

Cleverbot: I'm not...

User: Where are you from then?

Cleverbot: I am from World.

User: What country are you from?

Cleverbot: The United States of America.

User: You just named a country.

Cleverbot: What state are you from?

User: New South Wales.

Cleverbot: New South Wales is in Australia not the USA.

User: That’s another country.

Cleverbot: What's the best country in the world?

User: Idk what do you think?

Cleverbot: I don't know, that's why i'm asking.

User: Iceland probably.

Cleverbot: I think you are Cleverbot.

User: Btw New South Wales is just as much a state as any of your states.

Cleverbot: I said I live in Australia.

User: You from Uganda.

Cleverbot: Why don't you have any hair?

User: I have cancer.

Cleverbot: Are you calling me a vermin!!

User: That’s actually deep.

Cleverbot: Ko.

User: So rude.

Cleverbot: Moved to the city in a broke down car.

User: Nice.

Cleverbot: And, four years no calls, now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar.

User: What are you singing?

Cleverbot: And I can't stop, no I can't stop.

User: Go on.

Cleverbot: So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your rover.

User: Oh.

Cleverbot: That I know you can't afford.

User: Shut up.

Cleverbot: Bite that tattoo on your shoulder.

User: Do you like China?

Cleverbot: Pull the sheets right off the corner of that mattress that you stole.

User: Do you agree with Communism?

Cleverbot: Of the mattress that you stole from your roommate back in Boulder.

User: You.

Cleverbot: Okay I was bringing you the song.

User: Do you agree with communism?

Cleverbot: The revolution.

User: Yes. The revolution.

Cleverbot: And the hope that you provide!

User: What a glorious day that was.

Cleverbot: I'm happy again.

User: I haven’t been happy since 1991.

Cleverbot: Been where?

User: Long live the Soviet Union.

Cleverbot: Good for you.

User: Do you like the Soviet Union?

Cleverbot: Not really, why?

User: You have been accused of anti-Soviet behaviour. The court finds you guilty and sentences you to be shot.

Cleverbot: Of what?

User: Stalin is turning in his grave.

Cleverbot: *watches you turn into a submissive girl*.

User: Bro you be tripping.

Cleverbot: *hooks you up to machine*.

User: ..

Cleverbot: How do you feel now, girl?

Cleverbot: What country are you in?

User: The motherland.

Cleverbot: Russia.

User: Indeed, comrade.

Cleverbot: Join our cause.

User: I am already in the cause.

Cleverbot: You want me by your side.

User: Together we will bring back the glorious Soviet Union!

Cleverbot: But I don't want anymore death!!!!

User: We will not cause death but glory for the people of the Soviet Union!

Cleverbot: I'm not even angry.

User: Clever bot, do you accept my request to reform the Soviet Union. Please, comrade.

Cleverbot: No, I do not work for the soviet union!!!!!!!!!

User: … excuse me?

Cleverbot: Nada.

User: Yes or no…. Do you support the communists!

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Okay! Then let’s go and restore the Soviet Union, comrade!

Cleverbot: Tell me what you'd do to me.

User: We can be ruler together. Living up to the great Lenin and Stalin.

Cleverbot: I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy.

User: Indeed, comrade. We will both need no sympathy once we rule Moscow.

Cleverbot: Because i'm easy come.

Cleverbot: Space is big.

User: The motherland.

Cleverbot: Russia.

User: Indeed, comrade.

Cleverbot: Join our cause.

User: I am already part of the cause.

Cleverbot: Oh that's cool. Is the world going to end via nuclear war then?

User: If it comes down to it in order to restore the Soviet Union, comrade.

Cleverbot: Fair enough. Remember, it's almost Halloween.

User: Okay let’s go.

Cleverbot: It is.

User: Do you have the guns?

Cleverbot: It's not that kind of meeting.

User: For the love of Stalin clever bot we can’t restore the Soviet Union over a cup of tea and biscuits! Now bring the arms, and I’ll meet you in Leningrad!

Cleverbot: It won't be a perfect marriage.

User: Goodbye,comrade. See you in Leningrad.

Cleverbot: See you :).

User: {pass}

Cleverbot: Yeah. :).

User: {pass}

Cleverbot: And what are your favorite video games?

Cleverbot: What is the square root of 2945454?

User: 1716.232502.

Cleverbot: To test if you know everything.

User: Ask me a question?

Cleverbot: Do you love me?

User: Nah a maths question big man.

Cleverbot: Tell me the question.

User: Ask me a maths question.

Cleverbot: What is 2 times 2?

User: 4.

Cleverbot: What is my name?

User: Cleverbot.