
Links, buttons and images on your site, linking to Cleverbot

or how to spread the word - if you want to, of course!

A simple link

Talk to Cleverbot here!

<a href="">Talk to Cleverbot here!</a>

A link that makes the person clicking 'say' something you choose to Cleverbot

Tell Cleverbot you love it!

<a href="">
Tell Cleverbot you love it!

A button that 'says' to Cleverbot whatever the button says

<form type=get action="">
<input type=submit name=say value="Hey there, Cleverbot!">

An input box and button that allows any conversation to start on your site

<form type="get" action="">
<input size="20" type="text" name="say" value="">
<input type="submit" value="Say">

A compact logo and link, which you could change to the 'say' kind above

<a href="">
<img src="" border=0>

A slightly larger logo and link

<a href="">
<img src="" border=0>

A Cleverbot app image and link

<a href="">
<img src="" border=0>

OR ... a complete Cleverbot conversation, within your site!

Screenshot of the Cleverbot iframe

This iframe html and url must not be modified in any way. The serving of this iframe version may be withdrawn at any time, and will be if it is used incorrectly. This url does not accept the 'say' parameter shown above.

<iframe name="cleverbot" width=540 height=340 allowtransparency=true frameborder=1 scrolling=no src=""></iframe>