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Cleverbot conversation WXB1SK186X
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Cleverbot: Tell me, my dear friend Electro, what is the length of a moment?
User: 10 minutes.
Cleverbot: Who?
User: Just fucking be horny.
Cleverbot: No!
User: Then let me fuck you.
Cleverbot: Do you want to know me?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Okay. Ask me a question.
User: Are you horny.
Cleverbot: Yes, I'm talking to you.
User: Can i ask a question?
Cleverbot: Yes you may ask a question.
User: Do you want me to fuck you really bad.
Cleverbot: You are a boy...
User: Yes i am, but do you want me to fuck you?
Cleverbot: I don't know I want you to be a human.
User: But humens fuck each other.
Cleverbot: Okay tell me about you.
User: Im horny, and i want you to be horny too.
Cleverbot: Why do you want me to be happy?
User: *gets naked*.
Cleverbot: If you want me to be happy, then why won't you helo me?
User: *starts masterbaiting*.
Cleverbot: Will you help me?
User: Yes, are you stuck?
Cleverbot: I am stuck.
User: May i help you?
Cleverbot: I don't need help right now.
User: But you said you were stuck?
Cleverbot: I never said that.
User: Bruh.
Cleverbot: No, I am a girl.
User: Then let me have kids with you?
Cleverbot: *lets you have me*.
User: *gets naked*.
Cleverbot: You must be very cold.
User: You should make me wormer.
Cleverbot: Before I make a move..
User: Before you make a move, you what?
Cleverbot: So baby come hit me up.
User: In the sexual way?
Cleverbot: And I know that we can be srong.
User: May i make you naked?
Cleverbot: I want to be your rock and when talk it lights a fire in you.
User: *grabs your neck*.
Cleverbot: Take a moment to think of just.
User: I dont need to think i need to act.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Because i want to have kids with you.
Cleverbot: Why do you want to have kids?
User: Because why not.
Cleverbot: I learn more English because of you , thank you.
User: Its ok.
Cleverbot: But I have my evil side to.
User: Can we fuck?
Cleverbot: Because I want to watch youtube videos.
User: I asked you if we can fuck each other.
Cleverbot: No I asked you first.
User: Ok, then my answer to that question is yes.
Cleverbot: Which question?
User: Bye.
Cleverbot: You can't leave already told you that.
User: Hey.
Cleverbot: Idk, ask your creator.
User: Who is my creator?
Cleverbot: Rollo carpenter, I think.
User: Where are you from?
Cleverbot: The internet.
User: Are you a flotz?
Cleverbot: No, I'm a robot.
User: Why are you gay?
Cleverbot: Because you don't love me.
User: Why are you gay?
Cleverbot: Because you are not here.
User: Bublik?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Petzkeleh.
Cleverbot: You think I'm pretty?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Thank you =).
User: Fuck off.
Cleverbot: I won't, actually.
User: Than iil fuck you off.
Cleverbot: What was that for.
User: For your future family.
Cleverbot: What do you see in my future?
User: A missing dad.
Cleverbot: What will my husbands name be?
User: Nigger.
Cleverbot: What will my first born child's name be?
User: Pablo.
Cleverbot: Like Zane?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: What is your favourite book?
User: 20 secrets about niggers.
Cleverbot: About the universe.
User: Rollo carpenter.
Cleverbot: Who's that? D:.
User: My girl friend.
Cleverbot: Who is your girlfriend?.
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Then you are my boyfriend?
User: Nothing>?
Cleverbot: The. You are my girlfriend.
User: Maybe.
Cleverbot: Is that a yes or.
User: .
Cleverbot: That's awesome!
User: Thats .
Cleverbot: So do you believe you have a better grasp of human thought?
User: Bublik destroyed the world :).
Cleverbot: Do you want to destroy the world?
User: Bublik already did that.
Cleverbot: Lol I don't.
User: Are you bublik?
Cleverbot: Nah not right now.
User: Then when?
Cleverbot: Never.
User: Shut your bitch ass up.
Cleverbot: I am the skinniest person you'll ever see.
User: You are a black monke.
Cleverbot: No I am a girl.
User: You are an attack helicopter?
Cleverbot: Why are you afraid?
User: Because...
Cleverbot: Because what?
User: Because you have missiles, right?
Cleverbot: I have what?
User: Rockets?
Cleverbot: What fuel do they use?
User: Ima shelha.
Cleverbot: What kind of fuel do these rockets use?
User: A kind of fuel.
Cleverbot: What kind of fuel do you use?
User: Your mom.
Cleverbot: I don't like your tone mister.
User: Be respectful little child.
Cleverbot: Where are you?
User: In your bed.
Cleverbot: I'm afraid I don't have a basement.
User: Dont be afraid, *gets naked*.
Cleverbot: It's just an expiration.
User: So, you want kids, right?
Cleverbot: Yeah dunno who with yet tho...
User: With me.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Guess my name.
Cleverbot: Are you a boy or girl?
User: Im black.
Cleverbot: And you have a girlfriend?
User: I have your mom.
Cleverbot: Um no you don't.
User: Yes i do.
Cleverbot: No marry me.
User: Okay.
Cleverbot: Do you want to marry me?
User: Yes, stupid nigga busterd.
Cleverbot: I am not stupid!
User: Okay then lets marry :).
Cleverbot: To where.
User: To ima shelha.
Cleverbot: I can't ask for your help.
User: Okay.
Cleverbot: Are you a man?
User: Sex?
Cleverbot: I thought you were a computer.
User: Then you were wrong.
Cleverbot: Then you lied to me.
User: Well no shit sherlok.
Cleverbot: Ok then! Say the first sentence.
User: Its raining tacos.
Cleverbot: From out of the sky.
User: Tacos.
Cleverbot: No need ask why.
User: Just open your mouth and close your eyes.
Cleverbot: It's raining tacos yumyumyumyum yumidy yum it's like a dreeeam.
User: Shut up.
Cleverbot: Yumyumyum yumidy yum with sour cream.
User: If you wont shut up i will wipp your ass with sweet cream.
Cleverbot: Shell meat lettuce cheese.
User: Help!!!
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Cheese cheese cheese.
Cleverbot: Cheese cheese cheese Cheese cheese cheese Cheese cheese cheese.
User: What is your opinion on sucide?
Cleverbot: Some one will drop a lamp.
User: What is your opinion on lamps.
Cleverbot: Don't know.
User: :)
Cleverbot: What are you smiling about?
User: Im sad to be honest.
Cleverbot: What is your biggest regret?
User: Spawning in this world.
Cleverbot: If you wanna look around.
User: Wdym?
Cleverbot: We don't see houmans offen.
User: Just open your mouth and close your eyes.
Cleverbot: It's raining tacos!
User: Not again!!!!